Fri–Tue 9:30 – 18:00. Wed & Thu 9:30 – 20:00. Sun Closed.

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An inflammatory condition triggered by hormonal changes and genetic factors. Want to learn more? Keep scrolling!


What is it?

Acne is a skin condition where the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, causing the pores to become blocked. These pores can get infected and inflamed resulting in whiteheads (pustules), blackheads (comedones), sore and inflamed lumps (papules) and sometimes even scarring of the skin tissue.

What Causes it?

Acne affects approximately 90% of people between the ages of 12 and 30 due to the changes in hormones during this time. Acne also commonly occurs during or after pregnancy and around menopause.

Although hormones play a big part in acne, genetics can also be a factor in the overproduction of oil in the skin.


What Can You Do To Help Naturally?

There are many misconceptions surrounding the relationship between acne and diet, lifestyle, and other factors. While junk food, lack of sleep and stress can exacerbate acne symptoms, they are not direct causes of it. Instead, they can worsen existing acne if a person is already prone to it. To improve acne symptoms, it is essential to practice good hygiene and use a skincare routine prescribed by a professional to avoid aggravating the condition. Additionally, drinking plenty of water, eating clean unprocessed foods, getting adequate sleep, and practising relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and cortisol production, leading to healthier-looking skin.


What are common symptoms of acne?

Acne usually presents itself on the face, back and chest. Signs of acne vary depending on the severity of the condition in each individual. The most common symptoms are:

-Whiteheads/pustules/pimples: Closed, infected pores showing as white spots on the skin surface.

-Blackheads/comedones: Open pores where the oil has oxidised. These show up as dark spots on the skin surface.

-Papules: Small, inflamed and tender lumps with no obvious head or infection on the skin surface.

-Nodules: Large, inflamed lumps under the skin with no head or sign of infection.

-Cystic lesions: The most severe type of spot. They are painful, pus-filled lumps that appear on the skin's surface and they are the most likely to cause permanent scarring.

How can I prevent acne?

You can prevent acne by practicing good hygiene, using non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) skincare products, avoiding touching your face, and managing stress levels.

Is acne contagious?

No, acne is not contagious and cannot be spread from person to person.

How long does it take to clear acne?

The duration of acne treatment varies depending on the severity of the condition and the chosen treatment method. Mild acne can clear up in a few weeks, while severe acne may take several months to improve.

Our Approach

At RSA, we believe in a 360-degree approach to our skincare and we understand every client is different. A fully bespoke treatment plan can be put together by one of our expert team to ensure you have the best chance of improving your acne and bringing back your confidence.

Treatments We Offer That Help With Acne

  • Dermalux Tri Wave MD

    Multi-award-winning Dermalux® Tri-Wave LED is the leading non-invasive treatment that harnesses the power of light

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  • WOW Facial

    The WOW Facial is a hyper-personalised skin treatment that can be tailored to any skin concern

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  • WOW Fusion

    An innovative needling device that allows us to create bespoke skincare cocktails to treat your skin

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  • Cosmelan

    A world-leading professional peel with a patented formula to efficiently remove signs of sun damage and pigmentation

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Before & After Acne Treatments

Before & After Acne Treatments before image Before & After Acne Treatments after image

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