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A condition where the skin appears darker in certain areas and looks uneven in tone and sometimes texture, too


What is Hyperpigmentation?

People often refer to hyperpigmentation as pigmentation, and it is not always regarded as a skin condition. Pigmentation just means that the skin appears darker than it should in some areas and looks uneven in tone and sometimes in texture, too. This results from uneven distribution of skin pigments such as melanin, which is the primary pigment responsible for skin colour and is produced by specialised cells called melanocytes. Pigmentation can vary greatly among individuals and can be influenced by genetic factors, environmental factors, and health conditions.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation can be caused by hormones, genetics, sun exposure, and medication. In most cases, hyperpigmentation is caused by inflammation in the skin as a result of internal or external factors. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays causes the body to produce more melanin as a protection mechanism, which can sometimes result in an uneven distribution of the pigment. Changes in pigmentation can sometimes indicate underlying medical issues and may warrant further evaluation by a skincare specialist.

Pigmentation can make the skin look dull and prematurely aged. Reducing and removing pigmentation has a profound impact on the overall appearance of the skin, resulting in a brighter, fresher and younger-looking complexion.


What Can You Do To Help Naturally?

Pigmentation, as it can be caused and triggered by many things, can mean that the treatment protocol varies for each and every person. The one thing we do know, however, is that UV exposure plays a part in all cases. Protecting your skin with a high-quality, mineral sunscreen is the single best way to prevent pigmentation from getting worse and stop new pigmentation from appearing. Our advice to any client presenting with any form of pigmentation is to immediately start protecting the skin every single day, not just when the sun is out. UVA rays (daylight rays) are just as damaging as UVB rays (sun rays), meaning that UVA rays are impacting our skin every day. We highly recommend the Alumier range of full-spectrum mineral sunscreen.


What are the different types of pigmentation?

Pigmentation is usually classified into 3 types:

-Melasma/Chloasma: Melasma can affect anyone, but it is mainly caused by changes in hormones during pregnancy or whilst taking the contraceptive pill.

-Solar Lentigines/Sunspots/Liver Spots: These are benign (non cancerous) lesions found on areas frequently exposed to the sun. They are usually smaller than 5mm and can vary in colour.

-Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): This is a type of pigmentation that appears after an injury or external impact, overexposure to chemical peels, laser microdermabrasion, sun exposure, or following an inflammatory skin condition such as acne or dermatitis.

What are the common symptoms of pigmentation?

-Patches of skin varying in colour.

-Discoloured patches of skin turning darker after sun exposure.

-Symmetrical, mask-looking pigment patches over the forehead, nose and cheeks (this is usually a sign of melanoma or hormonal pigmentation, and is often referred to as a 'pregnancy mask').

Are there any natural remedies for pigmentation issues?

There are some natural remedies that may help reduce the appearance of pigmentation, such as using lemon juice, aloe vera, or turmeric. However, it's important to be cautious when using natural remedies, as they can sometimes cause irritation or allergic reactions.

Can pigmentation changes be a sign of skin cancer?

Yes, changes in pigmentation can be a sign of skin cancer. If you notice any new or changing moles, freckles, or other areas of pigmentation, it is important to have them evaluated by a dermatologist.

Can pigmentation issues be prevented?

Some types of pigmentation issues, such as those caused by sun exposure, can be prevented by practising sun safety such as wearing protective clothing and sunscreen. Other types of pigmentation issues can be more difficult to prevent, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding certain medications and chemicals may help.

How can I reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation?

There are several treatments available that can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation, including topical creams and serums, chemical peels, laser treatments, and microdermabrasion treatments.

Our Approach

Pigmentation is a complex skin condition and lots of things need to be considered in order to provide an effective treatment plan. At RSA, we are highly experienced in treating all types of pigmentation, but this must be done following a detailed consultation to establish all underlying factors.

Treatments We Offer That Help With Pigmentation

  • Cosmelan

    A world-leading professional peel with a patented formula to efficiently remove signs of sun damage and pigmentation

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  • Venus Viva (Face)

    Radiofrequency treatment for anti-ageing is non-invasive and pain-free

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  • Dermalux Tri Wave MD

    Multi-award-winning Dermalux® Tri-Wave LED is the leading non-invasive treatment that harnesses the power of light

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  • WOW Fusion

    An innovative needling device that allows us to create bespoke skincare cocktails to treat your skin

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  • AlumierMD

    A cutting edge, medical-grade skincare brand committed to delivering exceptional results using clean science

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